Feedback and Classnotes 07 December
I think this seminar has brought up a lot of (good) questions and inspirations towards the BA thesis. Since I already had rough ideas in mind, this seminar was really cool to advance the ideas further and kind of test them. I noticed that some were maybe a bit lost with the assignments since they didn’t have a direction or idea for the thesis yet and I think you would really profit more from the seminar with some ideas or directions in mind. The first few inputs I found very inspiring, I liked the poster part, where we had to bring physical objects, walked around and discussed them instead of just sitting and discussing.
Class Notes
Romantic, poetic part of being a designer
survive in capitalist system
- hack ourselves within the system
what kind of society are you designing for?
- Charlotte: A society that fails me or disappoints me, so I can bring my experience and change it
plays into janinas question, for who do I want to work or create and what do I want to achieve
[[book]] practice of everyday life, Michel de Certeau
- cooking, reading, walking as act of resistance
- we are free to do all those things, but in other countries this might not be the case
- manifestation of own autonomy and agency